Break a corner on a sheet metal part

Break a corner on a sheet metal part in the ordered environment
  1. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Corners list→Break Corner .

  2. Select the edge or edges you want to break.

  3. Use the command bar boxes to define break characteristics.

  4. Finish the feature.

Break a corner on a sheet metal part in the synchronous environment
  1. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Break Corner .

  2. Use the QuickBar options to specify either a radius corner or chamfer corner.

  3. Select the edge or edges you want to break.

  4. Type a value for the radius or chamfer.

  5. Click to finish the feature.


  • You can select the break option before or after selecting the edges you want to break.

  • You can set the selection type to Face to apply the break to all thickness edges of the selected face, including all interior and exterior thickness edges.

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