Change or rename priorities of standard parts

A priority displays the meaning and status of a part to the user. For example, the priority can show whether it is a preferred part, a special part, or a locked part. You can edit the priority to change its name and you can change the priority that has been assigned to a part.

Rename a priority
  1. On the Options menu, click Priorities.

  2. On the Priorities dialog box, double-click the priority you want to rename.

  3. Type the new name for the priority.

  4. Click OK.

Change the priority
Step 1.

Right-click the part you want to change.

Step 2.

On the shortcut menu, point to Set Priority, and then click the new priority you want to set for the part.

The Priority Filter control on the Priorities dialog box allows to use the priorities to control which parts are displayed in the Standard Parts dialog box. When the filter is on, users can select from a list the maximum priority value to be displayed. For example, if a user selects Priority 3, all parts for Priorities 1, 2, and 3 are displayed.

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