Main Steps - Orient by Geometry Method
Activate Part
Allows you to activate an inactive part so that you can position the coordinate system relative to the part. To activate the part, click the Activate button and then select the part. This option is available only in the Assembly environment.
Origin Step
Defines the origin of the coordinate system. You can define the origin relative to the model space or another coordinate system.
First Axis Step
Defines the first axis vector and direction. You can define the axis by selecting a point, a linear element, or a planar face or reference plane. You can also use the buttons on the command bar to specify whether the first axis is the X, Y, or Z axis.
Second Axis Step
Defines the second axis vector and direction. You can define the axis by selecting a point, a linear element, or a planar face or reference plane. You can also use the buttons on the command bar to specify whether the second axis is the X, Y, or Z axis.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.
Main Steps - Orient by Key-in (Relative to Another CS) Method
Origin Step
Defines the origin of the coordinate system. You can define the origin relative to the model space or another coordinate system.
Orientation Step
Defines the orientation of the coordinate system. You define the coordinate system orientation by typing an angular rotation value for the X, Y, and Z axis relative to the origin you defined. For example, if you defined the origin relative to the model space, the values you type represent the angular rotation relative to the model space X, Y, and Z axis. If you defined the origin relative to an existing coordinate system, the values you type represent the angular rotation relative to the existing coordinate system's X, Y, and Z axis. After you define the orientation, click the Preview button to display the new coordinate system.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.
Origin Step Options
Sets the type of keypoint you can select to define a feature extent or to position a new reference plane. This allows you to define the feature extent or the location of the reference plane using a keypoint on other existing geometry. The available keypoint options are specific to the command and workflow you use.
Allows you to select any keypoint. |
Allows you to select an end point. |
Allows you to select a midpoint. |
Allows you to select the center point of a circle or arc. |
Allows you to select a tangency point on an analytic curved face such as a cylinder, sphere, torus, or cone. |
Allows you to select a silhouette point. |
Allows you to select an edit point on a curve. |
Relative To:
Specifies which existing coordinate system the origin for the new coordinate system is placed relative to. If there are no coordinate systems in the document, the only option available is Model Space, or the base coordinate system. If you have previously defined other coordinate systems, you can select one of these to place the new coordinate system.
Specifies the X coordinate of the origin.
Specifies the Y coordinate of the origin.
Specifies the Z coordinate of the origin.
First and Second Axis Step Options (Geometry Method)
Specifies that the axis you are defining will be the X-axis.
Specifies that the axis you are defining will be the Y-axis.
Specifies that the axis you are defining will be the Z-axis.
Select Vector
Specifies the vector for the axis you are defining.
Axis Direction
Specifies the direction for the axis you are defining.
Specifies the type of element you want to select when defining the axis. You can use a point, a line, or a reference plane to define the axis.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
Orientation Step Options (Key-in Method)
Relative To:
Specifies which existing coordinate system the origin for the new coordinate system is placed relative to. If there are no coordinate systems in the document, the only option available is Model Space, or the base coordinate system. If you have previously defined other coordinate systems, you can select one of these to place the new coordinate system.
The new coordinate system is first created aligned with an existing coordinate system, the base coordinate system, or model space. From that position, the new coordinate system is then rotated by the values you specify for the X axis, then the Y axis, and then the Z axis.
Specifies the X-axis orientation angle relative to the new coordinate system’s current orientation.
Specifies the Y-axis orientation angle relative to the new coordinate system’s current orientation.
Specifies the Z-axis orientation angle relative to the new coordinate system’s current orientation.
Other Options
Coordinate System Options
Displays the Coordinate System Options dialog box so you can specify the method you want to use to orient the coordinate system.
Displays the coordinate system name. Coordinate system names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the coordinate system and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.