Dimension and annotation standards and formats

Style mapping applies standard or custom style formats to lines, hatches, fonts, fills, dimensions, annotations, and views as you place objects that use these styles in the document. The element-to-style mapping table on the Dimension Style tab of the Options dialog box allows you to choose which style to map to which element, or it allows you to assign one style to all elements.

When the Use Dimension Style Mapping option is set on the Dimension Style tab, then the Dimension Style Mapping option is also set by default on the relevant command bars and dialog boxes used to place individual elements. You can override the mapped style for an individual element by clearing this option on the command bar.

For global impact across all design documents and drawings, you can specify drawing standards and styles in the template files used to create part, assembly, sheet metal, and draft documents. This ensures that designers apply standards that conform with company style guidelines.


The default, standard styles available are:

In addition, you can create and name custom styles. The style format is defined in the Style dialog box.

Style Format Options

New and modified style formatting options vary widely between the type of element. Some of the style formatting options include the following:

To learn how to create and modify dimension styles for reuse, see the Styles command.

To change the formatting options for a selected dimension, use the Properties command on its shortcut menu. See Format a dimension or annotation.

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