Custom Sensor Parameters dialog box


Displays the name of the new sensor you are creating.

Sensor Display Preview Area

Shows a preview of how the finished sensor will be displayed on the Sensors pane. The preview area allows you to experiment with the sensor parameters so the finished sensor has the sensitivity you want.


Defines the tooltip you want for the sensor. The text you type is displayed as a tooltip when you pause your cursor over the sensor on the Sensors pane.

Sensor Definition

Defines the parameters for the sensor you are creating.

Current Value

Displays the current value of the property you are monitoring.

Edit Custom Sensor Input

Displays the Custom Sensor DLL dialog box, where you can edit the custom sensor DLL and user function.

Display Type

Specifies the display type for the sensor. You can define a horizontal range sensor or a true/false sensor.


Specifies which operator type you want to use.


Specifies the numeric values for the operator type you selected.

Sensor Range

Specifies the lower and upper values of the sensor display bar. You can type a lower and upper value in the boxes. This option is not available with the true/false display type.

Update Sensor

Specifies whether you want the sensor to update automatically when recomputes occur.

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