Assists in defining the type IGES entity you want to create from the Solid Edge part or assembly file.
Solid Bodies Export As
Specifies the body type to which you want export the IGES file. You should be careful when selecting these options, because of the entities supported by different CAD systems. For example, not all CAD systems support the BREP entity. However, most CAD systems do support trimmed surfaces.
BREP Solid as Analytics
Specifies that Parasolid solid entities are written as Manifold Solid B-rep Objects (MSBOs) that contain topology (connectivity) information or as trimmed faces without any topology information. It also specifies that the underlying trim surfaces that make up the MSBOs are written as analytic surfaces, such as planes or cylinders, whenever possible.
The files that are created when this option is not selected are IGES version 4.0 compatible since IGES version 4.0 does not support topology information.
BREP Solid as NURBS [Type 128]
Specifies that Parasolid solid entities are written as Manifold Solid B-rep Objects (MSBOs) that contain topology (connectivity) information or as trimmed faces without any topology information. It also specifies that the underlying trim surfaces that make up the MSBOs are written as b-spline (Type 128) surfaces whenever possible.
The files that are created when this option is not selected are IGES version 4.0 compatible since IGES version 4.0 does not support topology information.
Trim Surfaces as Analytics
Specifies the solid data types found in Solid Edge are written as a surface definition, Trim Surface (Type 144). It also specifies that the trimmed and free surfaces are written as analytic surfaces without topology information, such as planes or cylinders, whenever possible.
The files that are created when you select this option are IGES version 4.0 - 5.3 compatible since there is no topology information written. This will result in free surfaces.
Trim Surfaces as NURBS [Type 128]
Specifies the solid data types found in Solid Edge are written as a surface definition, Trim Surface (Type 144). It also specifies that trimmed and free surfaces are written as b-spline surfaces.
The files that are created when you select this option are IGES version 4.0 - 5.3 compatible since there is no topology information written. This will result in free surfaces.
Specifies that surface or solid edges are extracted and written to the output file as lines, arcs, and b-spline curves.
Specifies what types of construction geometry you want to export.
Specifies the output units for the file. The units can be either inches or millimeters.
Specifies that you want to use inches as the output units in the IGES file.
Specifies that you want to use millimeters as the output units in the IGES file.
Export Solids (Constructions)
Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as solid bodies.
Export Sheets (Constructions)
Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as sheet bodies.
Export Wires (Constructions) and Generals
Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as wire bodies.
Export Displayed Only
Specifies that you want to export only the active model and construction geometry that is visible in the part or assembly.
Japan Automobile Manufactures Association (Jama)
Specifies that you want to export the Solid Edge file to Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) IGES format. Jama IGES is a subset of the larger specification IGES. Therefore, any receiving system, including Solid Edge, will read JAMA IGES files.
JAMA was designed to "trim back" the IGES specification, thus providing a more robust version of IGES. However, at the same time, it does reduce the ability to support some entity types such as type 120 Surface of Revolution. This means that almost all surface types will be spline surfaces.
Moves to the previous dialog box of the IGES Export Translation Wizard.
Moves to the next dialog box of the IGES Export Translation Wizard.
Finishes the wizard and returns to the Save As dialog box.