Opening multiple Inventor documents in Solid Edge

Use the Inventor Data Migration standalone executable to load multiple Inventor part, assembly, and drawing documents to Solid Edge as managed or unmanaged documents. Inventor documents contain file properties that map closely to Solid Edge documents. These properties are preserved as Solid Edge properties during migration. To use the executable, Solid Edge and Inventor do not have to be loaded on the same machine. However, Inventor must be loaded on the same machine as the documents being migrated.

To access the executable, on the Start menu, point to Programs, then point to Solid Edge (version #), then point to Data Migration, and then click Inventor Data Migration. This displays the Inventor Data Migration Wizard.

On the Inventor File Selection Page dialog box, specify the documents to migrate to Solid Edge.

On the Saving Changes dialog box, specify the configuration file to save the remapped configuration.

The Inventor2SE.ini file

The Inventor2SE.ini file, in the Solid Edge Program folder, stores the dialog box settings. When you change a parameter in the dialog box, a new value is saved to the Inventor2SE.ini file.


The Inventor Data Migration standalone executable is not available with 64 bit Solid Edge.

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