Solid Edge provides a separate drafting environment for producing engineering drawings directly from 3D part or assembly models. Solid Edge drawings are associated with the 3D model, so that the drawing reflects changes in the model as the design progresses.
These model-to-drawing links minimize drawing maintenance in response to engineering changes, so that you can easily keep drawings up-to-date with the part or assembly model. Hidden line representations are properties of the drawing view, they do not affect your view of the solid model in the Part, Sheet Metal, or Assembly environments.
You can create drawings that display various views, sections, details, dimensions, notes, and annotations. You can also add feature control frames, datum frames, weld symbols, and surface texture symbols to your drawings.
Ensuring that the dimensions and annotations on your drawings conform to your company's standards or international standards is easy as in Microsoft Office products, you can capture these settings in styles and templates.