Measure Total Length command bar


Sets the element selection criteria.

  • Chain—Allows you to select a chain of elements.

  • Single—Allows you to select a single element.


Clears the selection set.

Use drawing view scale

Specifies that measurements within a drawing view or between drawing views are displayed using the scale of the model geometry within the view. Drawing views must have the same orientation and rotation for you to measure between them.

Applying the drawing view scale is equivalent to returning the model distance.

The inverse scale of the first drawing view you select is used to calculate the values.


Applies and displays a user-defined scale value. The inverse of the selected scale is used to calculate the returned values.


Scale values are defined in the Drawing View Scales section of the Custom.xml file, in the Solid Edge Program folder. See the Help topic, Add custom drawing view scales to Solid Edge.


Displays the cumulative length of the element select set.

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