Lists alternate actions which are available for the selected element.
Specifies that you want to construct a rectangular pattern.
Specifies that you want to construct a circular pattern.
Specifies that you want to construct a pattern along a curve.
Specifies that you want to construct a fill pattern.
Adds new elements to an existing pattern. This option is available only when you are editing an existing pattern.
Specifies which pattern occurrences you want to suppress. You can select an individual occurrence by clicking it, or a group of occurrences by clicking and dragging.
Specifies a group of pattern occurrences you want to suppress by selecting an existing sketch region or model face.
Specifies whether the circular pattern is a full circle or an arc.
Specifies how the pattern circle is constructed.
You specify the number of occurrences. When constructing a partial circular pattern, you can also specify the sweep angle. The software calculates the angular spacing.
You specify the angular spacing.
Cancels the feature.
Constructs the feature.