Change the status of a document

Step 1.

On the Application menu, point to Properties, then choose File Properties.

Step 2.

On the Properties dialog box, click the Status tab.

Step 3.

In the View Box, click the document whose status you want to change.

Step 4.

Based on the status of the document, click one of the following options: Available, In Work, In Review, Released, Baselined.


  • If a document is not part of a set, you can do only the following:

    If a document's status is

    You can


    Change the status to any other status

    In Work

    Change the status to any other status if you are the person who set the status to In Work

    Baselined or Released

    Make a copy of the document. You cannot change the status of the original document.

    In Review

    Change the status to any other status.

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