Format Report dialog box

Controls how the report is formatted.

You can display the Report Output dialog box by clicking the OK button.


The actual report output dialog box name is based on the report type you select and the assembly document name.


Sets the text justification for the columns of text.

Grid Display

Sets the grid display you want.


Sets the width of each column in the report to be equal to the number of characters of the longest row for that column.


Displays the Font dialog box so you can select the font, font style, and font size you want.


Displays the Options dialog box (Assembly Reports) so you can select the properties you want displayed in the report. Properties define the content of each column displayed in the report.


Displays the Sort dialog box for the report type you specified.

Mark ambiguous values with

Specifies that when there is more than one unique value for a cell, that it is marked with the character(s) in the text box. The default marker is an asterisk (*).

This option applies to calculations for frames, pipes, and tubes. When determining the mass, miter angle, or cut length, it is possible that there are two items on the same row with values that are only slightly different.

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