Routing Slip dialog box

Specifies information about the routing slip you are attaching to the document and sends the active document through electronic mail to reviewers. To use routing, you and those to whom you are sending a document must have this application installed and have an electronic mail application.


Displays the name of the person sending the document.


Lists the names of the people you are sending the routing slip (and the document) to. You can use the Address button to add names to this list.


Activates the address book of the electronic mail system. You can find and select names to add to the To list.


Removes the selected name from the To list.


Changes the routing order of the name you select from the To list. This is useful when routing the document to one person after another and the order of the names needs to be changed.

Any recipient along the routing path can modify the routing order of people who have not yet received the document.

Add Slip

Adds the routing slip to the active document. You should set all the routing slip options before adding the routing slip.


Sends the document and routing slip to the names listed in the To box.


Clears all boxes in the routing slip. Once the routing slip has completed its entire route, the Clear button changes to Reset and the recipient list is not available.

To clear the routing slip attached to the document, click the Clear button, and then click the Add Slip button.


Makes the current recipient the originator of the routing slip.


Approves the attached document.


Displays the subject of the message you are routing.

Message Text

Specifies the text of the mail message the document is attached to.

Route to Recipients

Specifies how the document is to be routed to the names listed in the To box.

One After Another

Sends the documents to the people listed in the To box in the order they appear. When a person finishes reviewing the document and clicks the Send command on the File menu, the document is sent to the next person in the list.

You can use this option when you want the document reviewed in a specific order. You can use the Move buttons to change the order of the people in the To box.

All At Once

Sends the document to everyone in the To list at the same time. You can use this option when you do not care about the routing order.


Specifies how you want to track information about the document as it is routed to the names listed in the To box.

Return When Done

Returns the document to the originator when the last person on the routing slip finishes reviewing and revising the document and clicks the Send command.

Track Status

Sends a mail message to the originator each time the document is sent to the next person on the list. You can use this option when you want to track the document along the routing path. If the Ask for Approval option is set, the status mail message will include how the last recipient voted.

This option is available only when the One After Another option is set.

Ask For Approval

Activates the Approve area of the dialog box so recipients can approve or reject the document. This option is available only when the One After Another option is set.

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