No Merge
Always create a patch if a solution is possible, even if that patch contains multiple faces. Creates a suitable number of faces to ensure that the performance and reliability of the model is optimal in downstream operations; in particular, a single face solution is created whenever possible.
Merge (as many as possible)
Attempts to minimize the number of faces in the patch. Using this value does not, in general, produce a solution that contains a single face, though in the case of multiple face patches, it can sometimes produce a solution with fewer faces.
Full Merge
Only produce a patch in cases where a single face patch is possible. If a single face solution is not possible, then the command fails. If you only ever want to use single face patches, then using this value can sometimes result in performance improvements.
Planar surface
Creates a planar surface if all the boundary edges lie on one plane.
Smooth internal edges
When this option is on, Internal edges in the generated patch must be smooth. #4 in following image.
When this option is off, Internal edges in the generated patch do not need to be smooth. #3 in following image.