Structure synchronization dialog box

The structure synchronization dialog box notifies you when an assembly requires structure synchronization with the database contents. This condition can occur when an assembly is changed outside the Solid Edge environment.

Assembly requires structure synchronization

Displays the name of the top-level assembly.

Candidate Assemblies

Displays the number of Solid Edge assemblies requiring synchronization.

Unique Assemblies

Displays the total number of unique assemblies (the number of unique BOM View Revisions that contain Solid Edge Assembly datasets).

View List

Displays a list of assemblies that are candidates for structure synchronization.

Check-out candidate assemblies

When selected, all candidate assemblies are checked out for access.

Do not show this message again

Specifies to not have the assembly structure synchronization message box displayed. You proceed directly to the structure synchronization and the status message provides feedback on the synchronization process.

Do you want to synchronize these changes?

Determines whether or not the structure is synchronized when you open the assembly in Solid Edge.


Processes structure synchronization. In Solid Edge, PathFinder displays the complete structure.


Continues the open process using the direct document and the downloaded or preexisting cached documents, and does not process structure synchronization. You only see the top level assembly in Solid Edge PathFinder.


Stops the open process and then performs an Undo Checkout on any files that were marked for checkout earlier in the process.

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