If a Solid Edge Embedded Client two–tier deployment is required, Solid Edge Embedded Client should be configured after installation is complete.
On your client, select Start→All Programs→Solid Edge ST5→SEEC→Define Teamcenter Databases.
Select the 2–Tier check box under the Teamcenter Database URL, type a database description, and click Add.
The Define Teamcenter 2–Tier Server dialog box is displayed.
Define your Teamcenter application and data folder information.
Type the location of your Teamcenter two–tier Rich Client Application folder (TC_ROOT).
Type the location of your Teamcenter data folder (TC_DATA).
Click OK.
A new row is added to the table.
Click OK to save the information.
When you are prompted to log on to Teamcenter, choose the two–tier connection from the list of databases on the Login dialog box.
Solid Edge Embedded Client can run as either a four–tier or two–tier client. However, the cache is on the selected Teamcenter Database URL. Therefore, a four–tier connection does not use the same physical cache as a two–tier connection for the same Teamcenter database and user ID.