Manufacturers often want to create a range of products based on the same generic platform, offering their customers the greatest choice for the least engineering cost. Using the interaction between Solid Edge and Teamcenter you can create a single generic product structure that is configurable for each different variant of the product offered.
Using classic variants, you can define options (for example, color) and the corresponding values for each option (for example, red and blue). You can then associate the options with an item revision, typically the top-level item in the structure. You can then define a variant condition (for example, load IF color=red) for any occurrence of components that are configurable, and therefore subject to variant rules. The master is the structure where no variant rule is applied. It is referred to as unconfigured.
Variants are defined in the Teamcenter program, Structure Manager. Typically, you create your Solid Edge design and save it to Teamcenter. Using the rich client, the item revision is sent to Structure Manager to create the variant option’s allowed values.
You can define and attach additional logic to the item, as follows:
Set error warnings for incompatible option values selected in the variant rule.
Set default values for options.
Set derived default values to allow one option value to set another.
Teamcenter evaluates the variant conditions on the occurrences in the structure against set option values, and components are configured or not configured according to the results of the evaluation. Unconfigured components can be hidden.
Classic variant configuration supports:
Options that are a mandatory choice or an accessory.
Components that may be configured by more than one option.
Variant assemblies that may be shared between products.
Classic variant configuration does not support:
Automatic creation of variant items.
Updating of existing variant items.
Modular variants are not supported at this time.
Refer to the Teamcenter documentation, Getting Started with Product Structure, and Structure Manager Guide for detailed information on creating and configuring variants.
For this example of using classic variants, a top-level assembly is identified as Car Model G. It includes a body assembly and two choices of engine (1200 and 1600). You create variant data on the structure to allow configuration of one or the other engine.
First, in Teamcenter you create basic variant data:
Define options
Create an engine option on the item Car Model G with allowed values 1200 and 1600. You can later create other necessary options and allowed values. These options configure components lower in the structure.
Add variant conditions
Specify a variant condition on each engine component to configure it appropriately. For the 1200 Engine component, define a condition that loads this component only if the option engine is set to a value of 1200 (that is, Load IF engine=1200). Also define a condition for the 1600 Engine (that is, Load IF engine=1600).
Then, set a variant rule. There are three ways of setting a valid variant rule that configures an allowed variant of the product.
Variant rule checks
Prevents the designer from defining option values or combinations of option values that are not allowed.
Derived defaults
Allows one option value to set any number of other related option values.
Fixed defaults
Allows an option to be set to a specific value.
Variant data can be stored on the following objects:
Item revision
Variant data is owned by a specific revision of an item. As the item evolves, it may be necessary to change the set of allowed values for a particular option or possibly to add further options.
Since Solid Edge Embedded Client supports the Variant Rule relationship for item revisions, set the Teamcenter Preference PSEVariantMode=legacy.
The interaction between Teamcenter variants and Solid Edge documents is within the Assembly and Draft environments. The variant rule list is displayed on the Open dialog box. The variant rule option is not enabled until you select the item revision of an assembly that has variant rules associated with it. Once you select the appropriate value for your variant rule, your selection acts as a display filter. Only the components corresponding to the variant rule you choose are displayed when you open the document. Once the structure has been opened in Solid Edge, you cannot change the selected variant rule. You can close and reopen the assembly using a different variant rule.
If you open a non-modeled assembly (one that does not have a Solid Edge Assembly dataset), you are notified that you must first open the master assembly. Subsequently, variant assemblies can be opened.
Assemblies configured with variant rules open read-only at all levels. The Read-Only Assistant displays a message indicating an assembly is opened with a variant rule. Any changes to the assembly must be saved to a new item using the Save As command. You cannot save a variant assembly back to Teamcenter. Any changes must be done on the master assembly and then saved to Teamcenter.
PathFinder displays the variant rule used to configure the direct document.
000362/B-A1 (Latest Working) (red)
For comprehensive information regarding product structure and variants, refer to the Teamcenter documentation, Getting Started with Product Structure, and Structure Manager Guide.