Add New Standard Parts dialog box

Step 6: Select the Visible Navigation Category (Optional)

Parent Category

Displays information on the progress of the parts being added.

Level Up

Moves the Parent Category up one level.

Top Level

Moves the Parent Category to the top level.

Add Node

Adds a node to the selected category.

Delete Node

Deletes a node from the selected category.

Change Thumbnail

Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a thumbnail that you want to assign to a category.

End Category

Visual Navigation Code

Displays the visual navigation code for the end category.

Category Name

Displays the name for the end category.

Category Thumbnail

Displays the path and name for the category thumbnail.


Discards all input and dismisses the dialog box.


Returns you to the previous dialog box.


Takes you to the next dialog box in the add part process.

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