Material tab

Lists properties for the selected material and its corresponding value.


Displays the name of the current material. When you select a name from the list, a set of associated material and mechanical properties is displayed. You can use the tabs on the dialog box to review or modify the properties. For example, when you select the Brass material from the list, the Material tab updates to display the density, coefficient of thermal expansion, and so forth for brass.

  • To add new entries to the material.mtl material database file in the C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST6\Preferences folder, type a new name, then click Add To Library. This material will then be available for other documents on your computer.

  • To edit existing entries in the material.mtl material database file, click an entry, make the changes you want, then click Update In Library.

  • To create or edit a material for only the current document, make the property changes, then click Apply To Model. This material will only be applied to the current document.

  • You can only have one local material in each document. For example, if you define a local material named SteelPlate, then click Apply To Model, the material name is saved in the current document. Later, if you create a new local material in the document named AluminumPlate, the material entry for SteelPlate is deleted.


Updates the Property list to display the property settings for the following categories of material properties:

  • Material Properties

  • Face and Fill Styles

  • Rendering

When you select a category from the list, a set of associated properties is displayed in the Property list. You can use the options on the dialog box to review or modify the properties. The available properties for each category are documented at the end of this topic.

Add To Library

Adds the new material or gage to the library file. This button is available when you have defined a new material or gage.

Update In Library

Updates the existing material or gage in the library file. This button is available when you have changed the properties for an existing material or gage.

Delete From Library

Deletes the existing material or gage in the library file. This button is available when you have selected an existing material or gage.

Material Property Category Settings

Material Properties list:

Property Name

Lists the material properties for the selected material.


Lists the value for the property.

Face and Fill Style Properties list:

Face Style

Displays the name of the current style.


Displays a preview of the style.


Displays the Modify Faces Style dialog box so you can modify the current Face style.

Fill Style

Displays the name of the current style.


Displays the Modify Fill Style dialog box so you can modify the current Fill style.

Rendering Properties list:

Rendering Material

Displays the name of the current Advanced Rendering material. You can use the Folder pane to browse to and select a new Advanced Rendering material you want to use for the part when creating rendered images. For more information, see the Working with Advanced Rendering Help topic.

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