Work Online/Offline Dialog Box

Allows you to switch between online and offline modes.

Work Online

Check in Documents When Returning Online

Specifies that when you return online you want to check in all documents that you created or modified during the offline session.  The checkout is cancelled for any documents that were checked out for the offline session, but were not modified.  By default, this option is On.

Synchronize My Cache When Returning Online

Specifies that when you return online and the documents are checked into the workspace, you want to synchronize the documents in your cache to ensure you have the latest documents.  All documents in the cache are synchronized, not just those documents that were created or modified during the offline session. By default, this option is Off.

Work Offline

Always Synchronize My Cache First

Specifies that you want synchronize your cache before you go to offline mode to ensure that you have the latest documents.  This option requires that there is a physical connection to the server. If there is no connection, you cannot synchronize your cache before you go offline. By default, this option is Off.

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