Solid Edge Standard Parts Configuration Wizard

Configures the paths for folders and database used when working with standard parts. If you are using Insight, the folder path cannot contain the following characters:

/ \ * ? < > | # { } % & ~ tab characters, blank space, or multiple periods.

Standard Parts Folder

Specifies the name of the folder that contains the Standard Parts configuration files. Use the Browse button to locate a folder. You can specify a SharePoint URL for the standard parts folder to store part masters and generated parts in SharePoint. The maximum length for the web path is 64 characters.

Standard Parts Sub-folders

Specifies the name of the standard parts sub-folders . Use the Default button to specify the default location.

Database Name

Specifies the path and name for the database containing the standard parts. Use the Browse button to locate a database. The database may reside on your machine or on the network, but not in a web folder.

If the database resides on a server, enter the shared folder location for the database. For example, \\<machine name>\<share folder>. If the share folder location is not entered, the Place button for Standard Parts on client machines will be disabled and users will not be able to place parts stored in the database.

Parts Folder

Specifies the name of the folder that contains the standard parts. Use the Browse button to locate a folder.

Store Parts in Team Center

Specifies that you want to store the parts in Team Center. If you select this option, the Generate Parts Location, Working Folder Location, and Add Version to Generated File Name options are disabled.

Store Parts in InsightXT

Specifies that you want to store the parts in InsightXT. For more information on using standard parts with InsightXT, please refer to the help documentation delivered with InsightXT.

Store Parts in Insight

Specifies that you want to store the parts in Insight. If you select this option, the Add Version to Generated File Name option is disabled.

Store Parts on File System

Specifies that you want to store the parts in a non-manged file location.

Working Folder

Specifies the name of the working folder for standard parts. Use the Browse button to locate a folder.

Add Version to Generated File Name

Adds the version to the file name for the generated parts. This option is available when storing parts in a non-managed file location.

Write PartName in Property

Sets a property where the Part Name is written during part generation. The standard file properties include Author, Comments, Keywords, Subject, Title, Category, Company, and Manager. The Solid Edge properties include Document Number, Revision Number, and Project Name.


When a standard part is being generated, the Author and Company properties are automatically populated with values from the system login. If these properties are set in the wizard, they have a higher priority and overwrite the value from system login.


Saves any changes you make to the folder locations or database name.

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