Specify Whether a Component is Driven or Driving

When editing an assembly sketch , you can select 3D components and specify whether the component is driven by the sketch or the sketch is driven by the 3D component.

Step 1.

On the Home tab while editing an assembly sketch, click the Select command.

Step 2.

In PathFinder, select a 3D component. The Position 3D Component command bar is displayed.

Step 3.

On the Position 3D Component command bar, do one of the following:

  • To specify that the assembly sketch drives the position of the 3D component, click the Sketch Driving option.

  • To specify that the 3D component drives the position of the sketch, click the Component Driving option.


  • While you are editing an assembly sketch, you can use the Component Select Tool command on the Tools tab to select a 3D component in the graphic window.

  • You can use the Align Face option on the Position 3D Component command bar to reorient the part to sketch plane by selecting a part face.

  • You can use the Lock Orientation option on the Position 3D Component command bar to the lock the current orientation of the part. When you lock the orientation of the part, you cannot use the Align Face option to reorient the part until you delete the lock relationship using the bottom pane of PathFinder.

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