Configuration Manager dialog box

Edits a display configuration in the active assembly and searches for changes in subassemblies. A column exists for each display configuration.


Right-click a component in Configuration Manager to set show/hide settings and simplify/design settings.

Find Previous New Component

Moves the selection up the list of components and stops at a new component not currently listed in the display configuration. Use the check box to include or exclude the component into the display configuration.

Find Next New Component

Moves the selection down the list of components and stops at a new component not currently listed in the display configuration. Use the check box to include or exclude the component into the display configuration.

Clean Up Deleted Components

Finds Components that were deleted and removes them from the display configuration.

  • The components in the configuration list are not removed when they a deleted from your assembly or subassembly.

  • When a Display Configuration is activated that contains components that no longer exist in the assembly, warning is issued.

  • The Clean up Deleted Components button re-indexes the list removing components that are no longer in the assembly.


List displays using the Document Name Formula.

New Component

Designates components that have not been defined in any Display Configuration. Undefined items are shaded.

Adding New Components

To add a component, remove the check in the New column and add to Display Configurations where appropriate.

Configuration file

Displays the name of the current configuration file, which contains configuration names and display information. You can type a name or use the Browse button to find another configuration file.


Accesses a dialog box that allows you to search for an existing configuration.


Saves the configuration to the current configuration file.


Cancels changes made before saving.

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