Display Configuration Options dialog box

Fit View After Apply

Fits the view after the display configuration is applied.

List exploded configuration in modeling mode when applied.

Options for displaying exploded configurations outside of Explode Render Animate environment:

Prompt For Action

Gives you the choice to apply display settings only, or enter the ERA environment.

Apply Display Settings Only

Applies the display settings which are not unique to the ERA environment without entering ERA.

Switch to ERA and Explode

Switches to the ERA environment and applies the saved display configuration settings.

Use Single Default Configuration

Creates a Solid Edge default configuration rather than a default configuration associated with a user name.

Apply Activation Override

Allows you to specify how you want to apply the display configuration. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are activated or inactivated when you apply the display configuration. When this option is cleared, the active or inactive status of the parts is determined by their status when the configuration was saved.

Activate All Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly become active when you apply the configuration.

Inactivate All Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly become inactive when you apply the configuration.

Maintain Current State

Specifies that the current activation state (inactive or active) of the parts in the assembly is not changed when you apply a display configuration. Setting this option improves performance when working with large assemblies.

If you want to change the current activation or override setting when applying a display configuration, you must apply the configuration using the Display Configurations dialog box.

Apply Simplify Override

Allows you to specify how you want to apply the display configuration. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are simplified or designed when you apply the display configuration. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the parts is determined by their status when the configuration was saved.

Use All Simplified Parts (When Available)

Specifies that the simplified version of parts is used when you apply the configuration.

Use All Design Parts

Specifies that the designed version of parts is used when you apply the configuration.

Maintain Current State

Specifies that the current simplified state (simplified or as designed) of the parts in the assembly is not changed when you apply a display configuration. Setting this option improves performance when working with large assemblies.

If you want to change the current activation or override setting when applying a display configuration, you must apply the configuration using the Display Configurations dialog box.

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