Include command bar

Include Options

Displays the Include Options dialog box so you can set the include options you want to use.


Enables the Select Step of the Include command.


Enables the Offset Step of the Include command.

Selection Type

Specifies the type of elements you want to select for the include operation. You can use a combination of methods to select any number of elements. This option acts as a filter so you can select what you want to include more efficiently.

  • Single Wireframe--You can select a wireframe element, such as a sketch element or curve. You can also select an edge on a solid model or construction body with this option.

  • Wireframe Chain--You can select a connected set of wireframe elements from a sketch by selecting one of the elements in the chain.

  • Tangent Wireframe--You can select a connected set of tangent wireframe elements from a sketch, construction body, or solid model by selecting one of the elements in the chain.

  • Single Face--You can select a face on a solid model or construction body.

  • Tangent Face Chain--You can select a connected set of tangent faces on a solid model or construction body by selecting one of the elements in the chain.

  • Loop--You can select all the edges that enclose a face by selecting one of the edges of the face. You can select faces on solid models and construction bodies

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.


Specifies the offset distance. This option is only available when the Include With Offset option on the Include Options dialog box is active.

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