Move Components command bar

The steps on the command bar change depending on whether the Move Components Option or the Rotate Components option is set.

Move Options

Displays the Move Options dialog box so you can define the move options you want to use.

Move Components Option

Specifies that the selected components will be moved.

Rotate Components Option

Specifies that the selected components will be rotated.

Copy Components

Specifies that you want to move or rotate a copy of the selected components.

Move Components Steps and Options

Select Step

Selects the components to be moved or copied.

Select From Point Step

Selects the point to move from.

Select To Point Step

Selects the point to move to.


This button changes function as you move through the process. The Finish button completes the operation using input provided in the other steps. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

Activate Part

Activates an inactive part. To activate the part, select the Activate button and then select the part.

Select Step Options

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Select From Point and Select To Step Options

Specifies how you want to define the from and to points.


Sets the type of keypoint you can select to define the from or to point.

Relative To

Specifies whether the from or to points are relative to model space or another coordinate system. If no user-defined coordinate systems exist in the document, the only available option is Model Space. If user-defined coordinate systems have been created, you can select a coordinate system from the list.

Get Point

Records the coordinate values of a selected point in the X, Y, and Z boxes. You can then edit these values to offset the components from the selected point. For example, you may want to copy the components 500 millimeters in the z axis from a known keypoint in the design space.


Sets the position for the x axis.


Sets the position for the y axis.


Sets the position for the z axis.


Repeats the action. This is useful when you want multiple copies of the same select set.

Rotate Components Steps and Options

Select Step

Selects the components to be rotated or copied and rotated.

Axis Step

Selects the axis that you want to rotate the components about. You can define the axis by selecting an element, such as line, arc, or cylindrical face, or by two keypoints.


This button changes function as you move through the process. The Finish button completes the operation using input provided in the other steps. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

Activate Part

Activates an inactive part. To activate the part, select the Activate button and then select the part.

Select Step Options

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Axis Step Options

Specifies how you want to define the axis and the angle value for the rotation.

Axis Type

Specifies whether you want to define the axis by selecting an element or by defining two keypoints.

  • By Axis--Allows you to select an element to define the axis. You can select cylindrical edges, cylindrical faces, and lines and arcs in sketches.

  • By Points--Allows you to select two keypoints to define the axis.


Repeats the action. This is useful when you want multiple copies of the same select set.

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