Create Simplified Assembly Visible Faces command bar

Main Steps

Analyze Assembly Step

Processes the assembly display to differentiate between exterior and interior faces. When you click the Process button, the exterior faces are changed to the exterior faces color.

Modify Results Step

Allows you to modify the simplified representation of the assembly to exclude any parts you do not want displayed in the simplified representation, such as small parts. You can also use the Mark Faces As Exterior button to select interior faces you want displayed in the exterior faces color.


This button changes function as you move through the construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. After you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

command bar Options

Simplified Assembly Options

Displays the Simplified Assembly Options dialog box so you can set the simplified assembly colors you want to use.

Analyze Assembly Model Step Options


Processes the assembly and hides the interior faces on the assembly. The remaining faces are displayed using the exterior faces color.

Modify Results Step Options

Mark Faces as Exterior

Specifies that the interior faces are marked as exterior faces. In some cases, an exterior face you want to include in the simplified representation is marked as an interior face. This can occur when a large assembly component obstructs an exterior face on another component. You can refine the output using the Rotate command to rotate the view to a new orientation to display the incorrectly marked face more clearly, and then click the Mark Faces as Exterior button to reprocess the results.

Exclude Parts

Specifies the size of the parts you want to exclude. The number displayed in the spin box represents a percentage of the entire file size. Any parts below that percentage are excluded. So as you increase the number, larger parts are excluded. You can also exclude parts individually by selecting them in the graphics window or PathFinder. You can deselect a part by holding the Ctrl key and clicking a selected part.

Deselect (x)

Clears the modifications you made.

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