Replace Virtual Component Dialog Box

Allows you to select the part or assembly you want to use as the replacement pre-defined component.

Look In

Displays the drive and folder in which you want to search for the document or image you want to open.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you visited.

Up One Level

Accesses the parent folder.

Create New Folder

Displays the Create New Folder dialog box that allows you to create a new folder.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

Large Icons

Displays large icons for the documents.

Small Icons

Displays small icons for the documents.


Lists the names of the documents in columns.


Displays a detailed view of the folder contents. The columns displayed include Name, Size, Type, and Modified.


Displays thumbnails for the documents.

File Name

Specifies the name of the file you want to replace.

Files Of Type

Specifies the type of files that you want to list.


Accesses the Search dialog box.


Displays the translation options.


Displays a bitmap image of the document if a preview image was saved for the file.


Displays the properties of the highlighted document in the right pane.

Apply Activation Override

Allows you to specify how you want to open an assembly (.ASM). This option is available when opening an assembly document. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are active or inactive. When this option is cleared, the active or inactive status of the parts is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with parts inactive, the assembly will open faster.

Activate All Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly become active when you open the assembly.

Inactivate All Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly become inactive when you open the assembly.

Apply Simplify Override

Allows you to specify how you want to open an assembly (.ASM). This option is available when opening an assembly document. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are displayed using the simplified or designed version. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the parts is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with parts simplified, the assembly will open faster.

Use All Simplified Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have had simplified versions defined will be displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Use All Design Parts

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have had simplified versions defined will be displayed designed when you open the assembly.

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