Moving ordered features to synchronous

You can convert ordered features to synchronous features while in a part or sheet metal modeling file. The conversion performs by moving ordered features into the synchronous portion of the PathFinder tree. This move results in the feature geometry consuming into the synchronous body and therefore available for synchronous editing.

The move to synchronous workflow occurs only when the file is in the ordered environment. Single features or any number of features can convert with the Move to Synchronous command.

The ordered conversion is one way only. Synchronous features cannot convert to ordered features.


You can also convert ordered features to synchronous features at a file level with the Convert command. Multiple files can process simultaneously.

Feature conversion must start at the top of the ordered feature tree and be in a contiguous order. All features in the tree above the selected feature include in the conversion. Mirror and pattern features require both child and parent features for conversion to be successful. If any of the parents in the select set have a child relationship to either a mirror or pattern feature, all features above these children features are in the select set.

If a problem occurs in the conversion process, the Undo command is available.

A Move to Synchronous dialog displays to alert the users if additional dependencies are found, and to provide any warning message that may affect the outcome of the move. This dialog only displays when warnings exist and/or there are additional dependencies found.

Warning message: Feature dependency found. It is recommended that all dependencies be moved with the selected feature.

You can click the "Selection only" button in the dialog to exclude the dependencies from the Move operation.


It is recommended to recompute the ordered node, and resolve any possible warnings or failures before moving the ordered features to synchronous.

Moving local dimensions and sketches

When ordered local dimensions move to synchronous, Solid Edge attempts to locate and bind dimensions to a vertex. If no vertex is found, then the dimensions become dangling dimensions. Once moved, all ordered dimensions, except for dangling dimensions, display along with the synchronous dimensions in the Dimensions node of the Synchronous portion of PathFinder. All ordered dimensions that are driving or driven dimensions move as driven dimensions. When you do a Move to Sync for a feature at a time,Solid Edge creates a user defined set each time there are dangling dimensions.


Synchronous does not support dimensions between a part edge and a reference plane. Therefore, dimensions placed between an ordered part edge and a reference plane move to synchronous as dangling dimensions.

Local profile sketches in ordered convert as used sketches when they move to synchronous. The profile sketch name in synchronous is the same as the ordered feature name.

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