Extrude command (synchronous)

Adds or removes material from a part by extruding sketch elements along a linear vector.

When constructing the base feature, the sketch elements must form a closed sketch region.

When constructing additional features, regardless of whether they add or remove material, you can use an open sketch, planar face, or a closed sketch region. When using a sketch region, it can consist entirely of sketch elements (A) or can be a combination of sketch elements and model edges (B).

When constructing additional features, you can define whether material is added or removed by cursor position while constructing the feature, or by setting options on the QuickBar or command bar. For example, when the Automatic option is set in QuickBar, when you position the cursor above the sketch plane (A), material is added. If you position the cursor below the sketch plane, material is removed (B).


You can also construct extruded features using the Select command on the Home tab.

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