Construct a lofted flange

  1. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Contour Flange list→Lofted Flange button .

  2. On the command bar, select a method for creating the first cross section--you can draw a cross section or select a cross section from a sketch.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you are drawing a cross section, define the profile plane you want to draw it on, then draw a cross section or copy a cross section into the profile window. Click the Finish button.

    • If you are using a sketch to define the cross section, select the sketch you want to use.

  4. For non-periodic cross section curves, position the cursor near the vertex you want to use as the start point. Click when a dot appears at the correct vertex and then click the Finish button on the command bar.

  5. Create the second cross section, then click the Next button on the command bar.

  6. Set the Side option.

  7. Finish the feature.


  • Lofted flange profiles must be on parallel reference planes.

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