Set terminator size and shape

Set Identical Dimension Terminators

For existing dimensions, you can set the start and end terminators to be the same or different using the Measure and Origin options on the Terminator and Symbol tab of the Dimension Properties dialog box.

To change the terminator style before you place a new dimension, modify the dimension style using the Style command to modify the Dimension Style type.

  1. Right-click a dimension and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. In the Dimension Properties dialog box, click the Terminator and Symbol tab.

  3. Specify both the start and end terminators using the Measure type and Measure size controls.

    • Select a shape from the Measure type list.

      For example, select the Arrow (hollow) or the Circle option.


      When you select a Measure type, the Origin type is updated to the same shape. This is a quick way to set both terminator shapes at once.

    • Type a value in the Measure size text box and press Enter. The default terminator size is 1 x Font Size.


      When you enter a Measure size, the Origin size is updated to the same value. This is a quick way to set both terminator sizes at once.

Set Different Dimension Terminators

You can set different options for start and end terminators using the Measure and Origin controls on the Terminator and Symbol tab.

  1. Right-click a dimension and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. In the Dimension Properties dialog box, click the Terminator and Symbol tab.

  3. (Specify the end terminator first) Select the shape from the Measure type list. Enter the size in the Measure size text box.

  4. (Specify the start terminator second) Select the shape from the Origin type list. Enter the size in the Origin size text box.


    By setting the Origin specifications after the Measure specifications, you can assign unique display properties to the start and end terminators.

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