Report page (Dimension Tracker dialog box)

Lists any changed or detached dimensions, changed or detached annotations, and hole table changes. Information about the changes, such as balloon number, previous value, and current value, is also listed.


Clear All

Clears the list of all changes and deletes the balloon labels from the drawing view.

Clear Selected

Clears the changes you have selected in the list and deletes the corresponding balloon labels from the drawing.


Copies all of the change information from the list to the Clipboard.


Locates and highlights the selected changed dimension or annotation on the drawing. If multiple changes are selected, it locates the first item selected in the list.

New Revision

Displays the New Revision dialog box for you to assign an identification label to the balloons for the selected item(s) in the Dimension Tracker list.

Reasons column

The Reason column in the Dimension Tracker dialog box explains how a dimension or annotation changed when you updated a drawing view.

  • Detached - rebind failure.

    Solid Edge was unable to find an eligible geometric element to rebind the item. The item may have been deleted.

  • Detached - no edge information.

    The edge of the geometry was not rendered and could not be found.

  • Value changed.

    The model feature changed size.

  • Terminator moved.

    The terminator connect point was moved. The Annotation Moved Tolerance option on the Options tab of the Dimension Tracker dialog box specifies the distance tolerance beyond which this change is reported.

  • Geometric rebind - Reattached to available geometry.

    The item was rebound to the nearest eligible geometric element within a preset distance tolerance.

  • Content changed.

    A change to dimension text or other content not related to value was made to a PMI dimension. Some examples of changes that cause the Content Changed reason to be displayed include:

    • Changes to a dimension prefix, suffix, superfix, or subfix

    • Changed dimension type and tolerance

    • Inspection bubble and tolerance notes added, removed, or edited.

    When Content Changed is the reason, the Previous and Current columns in the Dimension Tracker are empty.

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