Add Draft command bar

Draft Options

Displays the Draft Options dialog box so you can set draft construction options.

Main Steps

Draft Plane

Defines the plane that the draft angle is measured against. The normal vector of the selected plane defines the draft zero angle.

Select Parting Geometry

Specifies the parting geometry you want to use for drafts that are defined by a parting line, parting surface, or part edge. This step is not available when you use the From Plane option on the Draft Options dialog box.

Select Face

Defines the faces to which you want to add draft.

Draft Direction

Defines the side toward which you want to apply the draft angle. When this step is active, a dynamic line swings from one side of the draft plane to the other as you move your cursor. Position the cursor so that the line is on the side where you want to apply the draft, then click.

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This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

Draft Plane Options

Select Options


Sets the method of selecting faces to draft and parting geometry to define the draft. You can use any combination of selection methods to select geometry.

Selecting part edges and parting lines:

  • Edge--Allows you to select individual part edges.

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  • Chain--Select tangentially continuous chains of faces.

Selecting a parting surface:

  • Face--Select part faces.

Selecting faces to draft:

  • Face--Select part faces.

  • Chain--Select tangentially continuous chains of faces.

  • Loop--Select all the faces adjacent to a selected surface loop. First select a face, then select individual loops of that face. When you locate a loop, all surfaces adjacent to the loop highlight.

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  • All Normal Faces--Quickly select all part faces that are normal to the draft plane. If you want to select a large number of normal faces, but not all of them, start with this option and then reset the selection method to Face to deselect the faces you do not want to draft.

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Other command bar Options


Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.

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