Boolean command bar

Main Steps

Tool Step

Defines the element that is used as the tool for the boolean operation You can select a reference plane, construction surface, or construction solid. You can select one or more elements to use as a tool.

Side Step

Defines the side of the reference plane or construction surface from which material should be removed.


Cancels the command or finishes the feature.

Selecting a Tool Options


Sets the tool selection method for the boolean operation.

  • Body--Allows you to select the entire body, such as a surface body or design body.

  • Plane--Allows you to select a reference plane.

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Boolean Options


Specifies that the tool will be used to add material to the part.


Specifies that the tool will be used to subtract material from the part.


Specifies that only the material that is common to both the tool and the part is maintained.

Other command bar Options


Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename Feature command on the shortcut menu.

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