Draft Face Analysis dialog box

Show Analysis Colors

Specifies whether you want to display draft face analysis colors.

Gradient Color Display

Displays the color variation between positive and negative faces as a gradual transition of color, based on the active Negative and Positive Faces colors.

Draft Angle

Sets the draft angle value. The color for each face is determined by the value you specify. For example, if you specify a 3 degree draft angle value, only those faces which have an angle greater than 3 degrees will display in the positive or negative colors. The faces which have a draft angle smaller than the draft angle value are assigned the Small Angle Color.


Defines the colors for the different face types. You can specify the color you want for each face type.

Negative Faces

Defines the color for faces that have a negative draft angle greater than the Draft Angle value relative to the normal of the draft plane you specified.

Positive Faces

Defines the color for faces that have a positive draft angle greater than the Draft Angle value relative to the normal of the draft plane you specified.

Small Angle Faces

Defines the color for faces that have a draft angle less than the Draft Angle value relative to the normal of the draft plane you specified.

Vertical Faces

Defines the color for faces that have a draft angle of zero relative to the normal of the draft plane you specified.

Crossover Faces

Defines the color for faces that have both a positive and negative draft angle that is greater than the Draft Angle value relative to the normal of the draft plane you specified.


Restores the previous default values without dismissing the dialog box.

Show This Dialog When the Command Begins

Displays the dialog box every time you select the command. If you do not want to display the dialog box when you select the command, clear this option.

Save As Default

Specifies that the current settings are saved as the new default values.

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