Surface construction

Solid Edge provides two distinct 3D modeling styles: solid modeling and surface construction.

The solid modeling method

  1. A product's function is the primary concern and aesthetics are purely an afterthought.

  2. Solid Edge is an industry leader of this modeling style and exhibits these additional characteristics:

    • The various modeling operations are identified as features.

    • A history tree of features is maintained.

    • All properties used in defining a feature can be edited at any time.

The surface modeling method

  1. Many consumer products are designed using surface modeling techniques due to the market's emphasis on style and ergonomics; therefore, a model's aesthetics is the number one concern and key element in the design process. Product function is only a secondary consideration.

  2. Like the solid modeling features, Solid Edge extends this style by making each point, curve, and surface an entity that knows how it was created, and can be edited at any time.

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