Multi-body modeling

Multi-body modeling is a design method which uses more than one solid design body in a single file. In multi-body modeling, you can design many separate models in the same space and according to the same set of rules. This modeling method provides the ability to model many components of an assembly as a single part or sheet metal file. When placing a multi-body part into an assembly, the resulting multiple bodies are represented as a single entry in Assembly PathFinder and on a bill of materials. An entire assembly could be represented as a single multi-body part. Sometimes the assembly is more important than the actual components that make up the assembly.

In multi-body modeling, part and sheet metal files can contain multiple design bodies. Part and sheet metal files can contain part and/or sheet metal design bodies.

Design bodies
Construction body

You can switch a design body to a construction body. Construction bodies display is turned off by default in an assembly or draft file. Construction bodies display with the construction color (purple). Construction bodies do not publish.

Editing a multi-body file

Only one design body can be active, all other bodies are inactive. You can only add or remove features on the active design body. When performing a synchronous move on a face of the active design body, the inactive synchronous design bodies also participate in move operations in which Live Rules controls. If you do not want a design body to change, ground the design body. Dimensions can be placed between all design body faces.

Active design body

You can make the selected design body active using the Activate Part Body command. The environment shifts and displays the tool ribbon for the active body type. The active design body displays in the normal part colors. Inactive design bodies display with an opaque color.


The inactive solid body face style opacity is set by the adjustable setting accessed in Solid Edge options→View tab. If the option dim surrounding assemblies when in place activated is off, then the inactive body is shown in full opacity. If the option is on, then the inactive body is shown dimmed by percentage controlled by the slider.

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