Display the curvature comb for an intersection curve on a surface

  1. Choose Inspect tab→Analyze group→Section Curvature Settings .

  2. Select one or more surfaces

  3. (To define a plane) On the command bar, from the Create-From Options list, choose a reference plane.

  4. You can dynamically preview the creation of the plane in the graphics window. (Optional) To hide the dynamic preview of the plane creation, on the command bar, deselect the Display Curvature Comb button .

  5. Click Finish.

  6. (Optional) To show or hide the display of the comb, choose Inspect tab→Analyze group→Section Curvature Settings, and select or clear the show check box.

If section curvature is already created on surface(s)/faces then the Object- Action workflow will not work.

  1. Select one or more surfaces and faces

  2. Click on Section Curvature ‘Settings’ button to start the command Choose Inspect tab→Analyze group→Section Curvature Settings .

  3. Any invalid entitites that are selected are discarded.

  4. Select more surfaces if required.

  5. Follow steps 3-6 above.


You can also click the Clear All Combs option on the Curvature Comb Settings dialog box to clear the display of all curvature combs. To display the Curvature Comb Settings dialog box choose Inspect tab→Analyze group→Curvature Comb Settings.

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