Export Options for Catia V5 dialog box

Controls how Solid Edge documents are saved in Catia format.

Generate Log File

Produces a log file that contains warnings and information about the files involved in translation. The name of the file is <filename>.log and it is located in the same folder as the Catia file.


Specifies what types of construction geometry you want to export.

Export Solids (Constructions)

Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as solid bodies.

Export Sheets (Constructions)

Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as sheet bodies.

Export Wires (Constructions)

Specifies that you want to export any construction geometry that exists as wire bodies.

Export Displayed Only

Specifies that you want to export only the active model and construction geometry that is visible in the part or assembly.

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