IGES Import Translation Wizard (Main)

Assists in mapping entities in an IGES file to entities in a Solid Edge document. You can use this step in the wizard to enable command logging and specify an IGES configuration file and Solid Edge template.

File Name

Displays the name of the IGES file being translated. This file is the source file for retrieving information used by the translation wizard. The name specified is the name of the document selected from the Open File dialog box. To select a different file, you must cancel or finish the parameter mapping and select a different file name from the Open File dialog box. File Name is a display-only box.

Iges Configuration File

Displays the name of the IGES configuration file that you want to use during translation. This file contains the user-defined settings, such as font and line type mapping. The configuration file used by default is seiges.ini which is located in the Solid Edge/program folder. This file name is reserved for Solid Edge Draft and cannot be overwritten.

User-defined configuration files that are used across network drives or defined through network drives are supported.

You can click the Browse button to select the configuration file that you want to use.

Solid Edge Template

Displays the Solid Edge template to be used. You can click the Browse button to select the template you want to use. You must select a valid Solid Edge Draft template from the displayed list. This box also controls which additional dialog boxes are displayed by the wizard. For example, if you select a 3-D template, such as one with a .PAR extension, the wizard displays the dialog boxes for opening an IGES document that contains 3-D data.

Information Area

Displays suggestions on what type of template file to use when importing the file, based on the information found in the IGES file.

Draft templates are suggested when the IGES file contains entities of 106, 212, 202, 204, 206, 214, 216, 230, 402, 404, 406, or 410, and no surface entities.

Assembly templates are suggested when the IGES file contains more than one entity of type, 408, 308 or 186, or 402.

Part templates are suggested when the IGES file contains at least one of the following entities: 118, 120, 128, 143, 144, 154, 156, 158,160, 162, 164, 186, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 510, 514, but does not contain more than one of the entities flagged for an assembly.


Lists the entities, entity names, and occurrences found in the IGES file being opened. This is used to confirm the template selection, or to make informed decisions on other parameter selections.


Moves to the next dialog box of the IGES Import Translation Wizard.


Finishes the wizard and returns to the Open File dialog box.

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