Working with Catia documents in Solid Edge

You can open Catia V4 (.model) and Catia V5 (*.catpart or *.catproduct) documents in Solid Edge with the Open command. After you select a Catia file to open you use the Import Options for Catia dialog box to control how the Catia file is opened in Solid Edge.


The Catia V4 translator provides bi-directional translation capabilities to open Catia V4 files. The translator is capable of reading CATIA 4.1.9 and 4.2.X [up to 4.2.4] files. Contact your Solid Edge sales representative to order the Catia V4 translator. Specify part numbers SE330 for Node Locked, or SE331 for Floating.


The Catia V5 translator provides bi-directional translation capabilities to open Catia V5 files. The translator is capable of reading CATIA Version 5 Release 20 files and capable of writing Version 5 Release 14 files. Contact your Solid Edge sales representative to order the Catia V5 translator. Specify part numbers SE337N for Node Locked, or SE337F for Floating.

Opening multiple Catia files

Multiple Catia files can be opened in a single session with two files: SeCATIA.exe for Catia V4 files, and SeCATIAV5.exe for Catia V5 files. These files are located in the Solid Edge ST6\Program folder. These executables require Solid Edge be loaded on the machine where the translation occurs.

Saving Solid Edge documents as Catia documents

You can use the Save As command to save Solid Edge assembly, part, and sheet metal documents in Catia V4 (.model) format or assembly and part documents in Catia V5 (.catpart) format. On the Save As dialog box, after you select the Solid Edge document you want to save, click the Options button to display the  Export Options for Catia (.model) or Export Options for Catia V5 dialog box. You can use the dialog box to control how the Solid Edge document is saved in Catia.


Exporting a Solid Edge assembly creates a single CatiaV5 part (.catpart) file that contain multiple bodies that represent the parts in the assembly.

SECatia.ini and SECatiaV5.ini files

The settings on the option dialog boxes used when importing or exporting Catia files are defined in two files. SECatia.ini governs Catia V4 files, and SECatiaV5.ini governs Catia V5 files. These files are located in the Solid Edge ST6\Program folder. When you make a change to a parameter in the dialog box, a new value is saved to the .ini file. You can use a text editor, such as notepad, to set these parameters. However, if you edit this file, use extreme caution in setting these parameters. Errors made to this file can adversely affect the quality of the translation. The following is a list of parameters found in the SECatia.ini or SECatiaV5.ini file.



Import Drive

Stores the drive where the documents for the imported file.

Import Path

Stores the path for the imported file.

Import Healing and Sewing

Controls the inclusion of heal and sew surfaces in the imported file.

Import Stitch Surfaces

Controls the inclusion of stitch surfaces in the imported file.

Import Multiple Bodies as Single Part

Controls the inclusion of multiple solid bodies as a single part in the imported file.

Import DoNotSave

Controls whether or not assembly components are created on import, or on the initial save of the assembly.

Import Boolean Solids

Controls the inclusion of Boolean solids in the imported file.

Import Imprint Curves

Controls the inclusion of all curves as a single part copy in the imported file.

Import Check Bodies

Controls the inclusion of all curves as a single part copy in the imported file.

Import Make Base Features

Controls if the imported features become the base features in the new file.

Import Enable Default Output Path

Controls the enabling of the default output path.

Import Output Path

Stores the path for the output folder of the documents being imported.

Import Internal Healing Enabled=On

Controls the enabling of internal healing during the data translation.

Import Simplify Geometry

Controls the inclusion of simplified geometry in the imported file.

Export Drive

Stores the value for the drive where the documents will be exported.

Export Path

Stores the value for the path where the documents will be exported.

Export Construction Solids

Controls the inclusion of construction solids in the exported file.

Export Construction Sheets

Controls the inclusion of construction sheets in the exported file.

Export Construction Wires

Controls the inclusion of construction wires in the exported file.

Export Displayed Parts

Controls the inclusion of displayed parts in the exported file.

Enable Logging

Turns on or off the creation of the log file. The default is off.

Attribute Transfer

Turns on or off the transfer of attributes. The default is on.

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