Opening ACIS Documents in Solid Edge

You can open ACIS documents in Solid Edge with the Open command. On the Open File dialog box, after you select the ACIS (.SAT) document you want to open, click the Options button to display the Import Options for ACIS dialog box. You can use the dialog box to control how the ACIS document is opened in Solid Edge.


When importing assemblies containing more than 600 to 700 part files you need to set the value of the Import DoNotSave=On parameter in the translators ini file to Off. The Import DoNotSave parameter controls whether the Solid Edge part files are created during the translation, or on the initial save of the assembly file. Setting this value to off may take longer to translate but will consume less memory.

To translate multiple ACIS files in a single session, use the Seacis.exe file, located in the Solid Edge ST6\program folder. The executable requires Solid Edge be loaded on the machine where the translation occurs.

Solid Edge assumes SAT files to be in MM format. Solid Edge uses the scale factor found in the header of the SAT file to determine the scale factor. If the scale factor is not found, or is unknown, as in the case of older SAT files that do not contain a scale factor, Solid Edge uses the scale factor specified on the Solid Edge Import dialog box.

Sample SAT Header for MM file

In a SAT file using millimeters, the scale factor is the first parameter in the third line of the file. In this case it is 1. 1, which  indicates no scaling. In other words the file is already in mm format.

600 0 45 0 
4 FARO 14 ACIS 11.0.5 NT 24 Tue Feb 22 07:56:26 2005
1 9.9999999999999995e-007 1e-010
Sample SAT Header for Inch file

In this sample header the scale value is 25.399999999999999. This indicates that the intent of this file is Inch units, and the data within the file needs to be scaled by this factor.

1300 0 1 0 
34 SPATIAL - INTEROP Version - 14.0.2 14 ACIS 14.0.2 NT 24 Wed Mar 09 10:16:53 2005 
25.399999999999999 9.9999999999999995e-007 1e-010  


You can override the scale factor found in the header of the file either through the user interface or the SESAT.ini file. You can use the Apply Scale option on the Import Options for ACIS (.sat) dialog box to apply an override scale. You can also set the Import Apply Scale and Import Units parameters in the SESAT.ini file to control the override factor. Setting the Import Apply Scale parameter to 1 to enables the scale override and then setting the Import Units parameter specifies the scale factor. You can set the scale factor to 1, 25.399999999 , or 1000.

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