Working with .stl documents in Solid Edge

Opening .stl documents in Solid Edge

You can open .stl ASCII or Binary documents in Solid Edge assembly, part, or sheet metal with the Open command. On the Open File dialog box, after you select the .stl document you want to open, click the Options button to display the STL Import Options dialog box. Since .stl documents are unit-less, use this dialog box to specify the units for the document.


A .stl document contains only information about facet bodies. If you open a .stl document containing multiple bodies in an assembly template, Solid Edge translates the multiple bodies into a single part document with a single entry in Feature PathFinder.

Importing facet bodies

.Stl documents contain facet bodies. A facet body is a surface representation defined by triangles.

Rules for facet bodies
Displaying facet bodies
Saving Solid Edge documents to STL format

You can save Solid Edge Assembly, Part and Sheet Metal documents in .STL format with the Save As command. On the Save As dialog box, after you select the Solid Edge document you want to save, click the Options button to display the STL Export Options dialog box. You can use the dialog box to control how the Solid Edge document is saved in .STL format.

SESTL.ini file

The SESTL.ini file, found in the Solid Edge Program folder, is used to store the settings defined on the STL Import Options and STL Export Options dialog boxes. When you make a change to a parameter in the dialog box, a new value is saved to the SESTL.ini file. You can use a text editor, such as notepad, to set these parameters. However, if you edit this file, use extreme caution in setting these parameters. Errors made to this file can adversely affect the quality of the translation. The following is a list of parameters found in the SESTL.ini file.



Import Units

Stores the import units. The unit value can be Inch, Millimeter, or Meter.

Import Make Base Feature

Turns on or off the creation of a base feature. The default is on.

Export Units

Stores the export unit value. The unit value can be Inch or Millimeter.

Export Tolerance Value

Stores the tolerance value. You must use a '.' as the delimiter. You can change the name by editing the value to the right of the equal (=) sign.

Export Surface Plane Angle Value

Stores the surface plane angle value in radians. You must use a '.' as the delimiter. You can change the name by editing the value to the right of the equal (=) sign.

Output File Format

Stores the output file format. The available values for the format are: 0=Binary, 1=ASCII. You can change the name by editing the value to the right of the equal (=) sign.

Enable Logging

Turns on or off the creation of the log file. The default is on.

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