Add Document to Teamcenter command

Starts Add to Teamcenter-Interactive from Solid Edge by displaying the Open dialog box so that you can choose the Solid Edge documents that are to be added to the Teamcenter managed environment. The command is available from the Solid Edge Application→Manage menu.

The availability of the Add Document to Teamcenter command is determined by the Solid Edge Administrator option Display Add to Teamcenter commands in Solid Edge Application Menu. When the option’s value is Yes, the Add Document to Teamcenter command is both visible and accessible in Solid Edge. When the option’s value is No, the Add Document to Teamcenter command is visible, but inaccessible from the Solid Edge Application→Manage menu.

The default value for the Display Add to Teamcenter commands in Solid Edge Application Menu option is Yes. When the Solid Edge Administrator option is changed to No, the command is shown, but not available the next time you log in to Solid Edge.

In the event the Add Document to Teamcenter command is disabled and the Display Add to Teamcenter commands in Solid Edge Application Menu is changed to Yes to enable it, you are notified of the change through a message that displays in Solid Edge. You must log off and back in to Solid Edge to access the command.

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