Add to Teamcenter dialog box

Specifies the folders and documents you want to add into a Teamcenter-managed environment.

Look In

Displays the drive and folder in which you want to search for the document you want to add to the managed environment.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you visited.

Up One Level

Moves the Look In folder up one level.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

Large Icons

Displays large icons for the documents.

Small Icons

Displays small icons for the documents.


Lists the names of the documents in columns.


Displays a detailed view of the directory contents. The columns include Name, Size, and Modified.


Lists the folders and documents you can import into the library.

Preview Pane

Displays a preview image of the document if a preview bitmap was saved for the file.

To create a preview image, you can use the options on the Preview page of the File Properties dialog box. To learn how to do this, see the Help topic, Create a preview image of a document.


Adds the selected folders and documents to the Folders and Documents to be Added box.


The Ordered_<timestamp>.csv generated from Dry Run or from the pass/fail log can be selected as input.


Removes the selected folders and documents from the Folders and Documents to be Added box.

Remove All

Removes all folders and documents from the Folders and Documents to be Added box.

Include Subfolders

Imports the associated subfolders for the selected folders into the managed library.


Selections made are only applied to the active import session.

Add items that are this date or newer

Filters the contents of the input folder(s) by Modified Date. This option is valid when you select a folder and optionally, applies to subfolders. Once the filter completes, the resulting list is considered the list of files for subsequent processing.


This option can interact with Types and is useful for loading the delta of data in bulk data migrations.

Add documents overriding the current timestamp

Ignores the import timestamp and reloads the file. Typical use would be when reloading files after changing property synchronization in order to have the new property synchronization.


This option is helpful for cases where data that has previously been loaded is being loaded again after attribute mapping has been applied.

Find and list all document links

Determines if a list of references for each document in the list will be generated. This is sometimes referred to as link enumeration. This option is helpful for bulk data migrations.


This option is only available when you use a single .csv file as input for Add to Teamcenter.


Sets the document types that will be added to the library from the selected folder(s).

  • Draft documents (*.dft)

  • Assembly documents (*.asm)

  • Part documents (*.par)

  • Sheet metal documents (*.psm)

  • Weldment documents (*.pwd)

  • All documents including Non-Solid Edge (*.*)

Folders and Documents to be Added

Lists the folders and documents you want to add to the managed environment.


Defines the location and status for the documents and folders you are adding to the library.

Add Documents to this folder

Adds the files to Teamcenter and links them to folder specified.


You must have write access to the location specified.

Selecting the check box with no folder specified will add the files to your default folder.

Leaving the box unchecked adds the files to Teamcenter, but does not link the files to any folders in the database.

Browse for Library Folder

Displays the Select Folder dialog box and browses the Teamcenter database to find a folder.


Creates a new folder with the name and description you provide.

No Folder

Dismisses the Select Folder dialog without a selected folder. Selecting No Folder does not uncheck the Add Documents to this Folder check box.


Displays the Find dialog so you can search for a specific folder using various criteria.

Dry Run (analyze data and report problems)

Checks the selected documents for illegal characters, corrupted files and broken links without adding the documents to the managed environment. Reports problems or errors found so you can correct them. Results are written to log files for review.


In the event duplicate document numbers are discovered, the dry run erases the document number of one of the parts in preparation for adding the documents to the managed environment.

Add Documents

Adds the selected documents to the managed environment without checking for broken links.

Update Status on All Documents to Checked-In

Automatically checks in the documents you are adding to the managed library.


Sets the option so that when an overwrite condition is encountered, the Add to Teamcenter process can continue without interruption. This is especially useful for bulk loads of data that may be conducted unattended.


If an overwrite condition occurs, prompts you to overwrite the existing document. You must respond before the Add to Teamcenter process will continue.

Yes to All

Overwrites the existing document(s) automatically if any overwrite conditions occur.

No to All

Documents encountered in an overwrite condition are not overwritten by the Add to Teamcenter process.


During an overwrite condition, BOM precision is not changed.

Revision Rule

Specifies the revision rule used to create the BOM so the number of links in the managed document can be compared to the number of links in the unmanaged file for BOM validation.

Use Precise BOM View When Adding Assemblies

Sets the Bill of Material (BOM) as fixed links. This option is not linked to the Revision Rule, and selecting this option does not change the Revision Rule to Precise Only.


Precise should be used when loading legacy Insight files or filenames that include a revision number.

Automatically retry documents that fail to load

Automatically retries to add files to Teamcenter from the group of files that failed to load on the previous attempt.


Displays the Cache Assistant dialog box so that you can manage items in your cache.

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