Check in a document from the Cache Assistant dialog box

  1. On the Cache Assistant dialog box, select the document you want to check in.

  2. Click the right mouse button to display the shortcut menu.

  3. On the shortcut menu, click Check In.

  4. In Insight, on the Edit Profile dialog box, make any comments or edits to the properties listed on the dialog box and click OK.


  • If you want to check in multiple documents, you can use the Ctrl key to select documents randomly, or the Shfit key to select a sequential list of documents.

  • By default, Solid Edge checks in a managed document when you close it. You can clear the Check In When Closing Documents option on the Manage tab of the Solid Edge Options dialog box to override the default.

  • If you want to check in changes to a document without closing it, you can save your document and then select the Check In command from the shortcut menu to check in the document.

  • If you want to change the profile for a document in Insight, click the profile field for the document, and then select a profile name from the list.

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