Delete a document from a managed library

  1. Choose Insight→Delete From Library.

  2. On the Delete From Library dialog box, select the document you want to delete from the Names list on the left side of the dialog box.

  3. Click the Add button to add the document you want to delete to the Selected Folders And Files list on the right side of the dialog box.

  4. Click OK to start the delete process.


  • If the document you want to delete is linked to another document that is not being deleted, a message is displayed and the document is not deleted. For example, if you select a Part document to be deleted, but the Part document is linked to a Draft document that is not being deleted, you will not be able to delete the Part document.

  • You should always use the Delete From Library command to delete managed documents. If you delete managed documents using Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer, you may accidentally break links between the Solid Edge documents.

  • You can also delete managed folders using the Delete From Library command. When deleting managed folders, the folders must be empty.

  • You can use the SearchScope.txt file in the Solid Edge Preferences folder to specify the managed workspaces you want to search for links to other managed documents.

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