Find documents linked to the current document

  1. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click on Revision Manager.

  2. On the Open a File dialog box, open a document.

  3. In the contents window, click on a document you want to use in the where-used search. You can select documents anywhere on your network, including a managed library.

  4. On the Tools menu, point to Link Management, and then click Where Used.

  5. On the Where Used dialog box, select the folder you want to include in the where-used search. You can select documents anywhere on your network, including a managed library.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Continue adding folders until you have added all the folders you want to include in the search.

  8. If you want to include subfolders in the search, set the Include Subfolders box.

  9. If you want to filter the Solid Edge file types used in the search, click the Process Options button, and select the file types you want to search.

  10. On the Where Used dialog box, click Next.

  11. The Where Used dialog box displays the results of the search.

  12. When the search finishes, click Finish to return to Revision Manager and view the Where Used window.


The Where Used Command allows you to select managed libraries.  Other Link Management commands can only search local network folders and documents.