General Tab, Cross Section Preferences dialog box

Section Lines

Draw Section Lines

Displays section lines.


Specifies the color of lines used to draw cross sections.


Specifies the width of lines used to draw cross sections.

Section Border

Color for Active Section

Specifies the color of the border for the active cross section.


Specifies the color of the border for the active cross section.

Color for Other Sections

Specifies the color of the border for inactive cross sections.


Specifies the color of the border for inactive cross sections.

Slider Control

User Defined Step Size

Specifies the distance the active cross section plane moves each time you press the arrow keys or drag the Position Plane slider.

By default, the steps are 1/100 of the distance normal to the plane in the visible scene.

Automatically Show Slider

Displays the slider when the cross section tools are active.